Michela Born on 10-25-14

December 15, 2014  •  4 Comments

When my dear friend told me she was expecting I really begged her to take photos for any of the events leading and after her birth. So a couple weeks prior to her due date I got the text that she wanted me to be with her for the birth of her 3rd baby. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love pregnancy, birth, and babies. If I had the guts to go through all that crazy school I totally would deliver babies for a living. Then when one of my BEST friends asks me to be a support person in the delivery room....I could have died right there. My BFF has a bunch of sisters and family she could have picked but she chose me and also asked me to take photos which is another dream come true for me. 

Jessica had been in and out of the hospital fighting high blood pressure for a few weeks. I felt like she was in agony and I felt so bad for her. It is amazing what a pregnancy can do to a woman emotionally and physically.

At 36 weeks gestation the docs determined the baby was better out than in so they started the induction. I got the call, put on my sweatpants, picked up a coffee and ventured out to be by her side. When I got there she was 5 centimeters and miserable because it was slow progress despite the efforts being made. 

Her head was pounding from her blood pressure and the Magnesium bing pumped in her :(


My heart hurt for her despite my excitement.

Daddy did a good job taking care of mommy.

Things were quiet with no change for a while despite the awful contractions. Thank God for epidurals :)

Being able to hold her hand and rub her back through a contraction was awesome!

My beautiful friend <3

Then she even had to get a nose bleed!!!!!

Oh the face of an epidural.....

And before we knew it it was time to push!!!! It was so hard for me. I wanted to hold a leg, catch, watch, take pictures and push all at the same time so I left the support up to her mother and husband so I could capture this amazing moment for these people I care so much for!

Prepping to coach her :)


It must be crazy for a man to watch the woman he loves endure such pain.

No matter how old we get...There is nothing like having mama with you during such a scary beautiful moment.

There is her little head just a couple pushes later!

Hello world!!!


Little Peanut

Dad cutting the cord

Her first cry :)

High Five Mom!!!!! We did it!!!!

What a great day!!!

Baby toes.....obsessed

Already smiling and look at her chin dimple!!!!!

Some skin to skin is always the best for both mommy and baby....

I absolutely love this one :)

I swear she posed for me hahaha


Daddy holding his 3 little girl :)

Grandma holding her 12th grand baby!

So in the end I even had the opportunity to shoot some Newborn pics for them It was an amazing experience! Love the Peebles Family :)


great photo essay--B&W works
Millie De La Cruz(non-registered)
This is absolutely beautiful. You did such a great job. The way you took the pictures and described everything that was happening made me feel like I was there as well. You are so hired for when Gabe and I decide to have our third baby. You were meant to be a photographer.

Congratulations, she is beautiful!!!
Diana Morales(non-registered)
What a great, professional job, Rox!!!! Simply amazing how you captured this life event!!!
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